My love for sunrises is different from my love for long bike rides or warm tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. My love for sunrises is far more sacred and intimate.
It was early September and I was having a hectic morning. As I got in my car, I saw the tiniest sliver of pink sky to the east and began to feel the adrenaline. On this particular day, I rushed down to the boat landing, soaked up every minute of the sunrise I could, snapped the amazing photo [above], and then begrudgingly jumped back in my car to head to work. I shifted into reverse, glanced in the rear-view mirror, and slammed on my brakes just inches away from colliding with a pickup truck. Flustered, I quickly jumped out to apologize to the man who, unbeknownst to me, had pulled in behind me in the dark. I was expecting the worst, but this man was so kind. He did not call me names or scold me for nearly backing into him - he just looked up at me with sad, conflicted eyes, and began apologizing to me for being in my way. My mind did a double take - wait, what? This man is apologizing to me? We bantered easily back and forth for a bit, and then with tears beginning to brim his eyes, he said to me "I didn't mean to disrupt your morning, I just came here because I was hoping to find some peace in a world that seems to have gone crazy."
I stayed and talked with this man for a little while longer. He had come alone and said he was glad I almost backed into him because otherwise I probably wouldn't have talked to him at all. While I suppose he was right, the realization of this makes me sad. I never got this man's name, and I never saw him again after that day. Before I drove away, I took the opportunity to share the good news that the same God who had painted that incredible sunrise for us that day also created a way for us all to have peace, and hope, through the gift of His Son.
My love for sunrises is different than my love for sunsets, because after sunsets, everything gets very dark. The darkness can be lonely at times and my problems can tend to feel bigger than they are - but sunrises scare away the darkness and put my troubles into perspective. My love for sunrises begins the moment I first see the light and am reminded of the possibilities that each new day brings! It's like a gentle hug offered by way of a fresh start each morning. My love for sunrises is exhilarating because each new day brings me hope and another opportunity to share God's light. This man's simple confession that early September morning triggered a waterfall of painful memories for me. Memories of a very dark time in my life when, like this man, I was desperately searching for peace and hope and a light in the darkness. My love for sunrises started many years ago when I, like this man, learned about Jesus - the Light of the World - and realized I didn't need to fear the darkness any longer.
The Olive Tree Initiative was birthed after my encounter with that kind-hearted man who, much like Christ, offered me grace and forgiveness when I didn't deserve it. I think of how grateful he was to have someone to talk to, and how eager I was to listen to his story. Since then I have wondered how we, as a community, can reach people like him - who are kind, caring, and want to talk with other people - but short of almost getting in a fender bender, don't have a great way to do that. I hope for this initiative to be a simple, no cost way for you to connect with one or two people who might be feeling isolated or disconnected this year, whether it be physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually. Think of a neighbor, a family member, a friend, or a complete stranger and then decide to bless them with a meal and some encouragement whether it be through our Olive Tree Initiative Totes or in your own personal way.
Grace and Peace to you Friends!